POSTED December 16, 2009
Soulmirror released an update for SM Patch 3.9. This update is for SM Patch Selector included in this mod. The selector allows you to select Championship or Serie B teams for Master League Division 2 as well as select between different scoreboards
What's New :
You need to have installed SM Patch Version 3.9 before you install this update
Clcik on read more for more details and get the link.
How to Install
Copy the selector (SMPatch_selector.bat) and the kitserver folder in the game folder (overwriting only the selector folder.
You can create a link to desktop with right mouse click on the file choosing send to desktop.
Selector Tutorial
Open SMPatch_selector.bat then :
- To change division two from Serie B to Championship and viceversa type 1 o 2 and press enter. Then choose your favourite team (the team you would like to choose in Master League) typing the team letter and pressing enter.
- To play ONline type 3 and press enter.
- To return to OFFline mode reopen the selector type 4 and press enter (Important, otherwise you'll have problems in offline)
- To select the scoreboard type 5 and press enter
Now choose your favourite Scoreboard :
1. Scoreboard Sky with PS3 controller graphic 4:3 (default)
2. Scoreboard Sky with PS3 controller graphic 16:9
3. Scoreboard Sky with X360 controller graphic 4:3
4. Scoreboard Sky with X360 controller graphic 16:9
5. Scoreboard Sky Live 4:3
6. Scoreboard Sky Live 16:9
7. Scoreboard Sky OFF (original PES Scoreboard)Â