PES Img Explorer Announced by Jenkey
  POSTED January 21, 2012
Master Jenkey announced that he is working on a new tool for PES 2012 similar to Game Graphic Studio or AFS Explorer. It will support PC version and Xbox360. Click on read more to check out features and first screenshots.
 Screenshots Gallery
- The tool will be similar with GGS, PES UDE, Afs Explorer
- Can use with both oldgen & nextgen file : PES6 & PES2011,2012
Supported platforms:
- PC & Console (current only Xbox360)
- Most of part in sourcecode is C++ compiled with VS2010 (not use .Net)
- The tool use addition libraries
Zlib :
FFmpeg :
Libpng :
Features :
- Img import,export file(s), folder
- Img slot expander : add more slot for .img file (also support old format : .afs, .dkz) (100% done)
- Texture preview, export, import : support up to 10 formats (.png, .dds, .tif, .tga, .bmp, ...)
- Audio preview, export, import : up to 32 formats convertable
- (Video format convert to adx,aix)
- Font editor : 50% done - having some problem with PES6 font
- Zlib & unzlib : PC & Console (100%)
- Hex editor : 40% done
- 3D preview, export : export any PES 3dmodel to 3ds format (50% done - need more time with PES6 model)
- plan in furture : Animation import & export in research (0% done)