POSTED October 05, 2009
Check out this post by master Skunk that will help you to understand why the new option, included in upcoming FEI,  to edit Faces Low Models is important . The option to edit low models will allow face editors to improve their work. Sometimes when you create a face you find out that it looks great in close-ups, but when using a distant camera the face looks really bad. That´s becuase there are two faces model, high and  low ones. Click on Read More to find out how it works and how FEI will help you with this.
 Rounded big noze for High model and long thin for the low one
Ingame Caps
far camera (low model)
close up (highmodel)
If you want to test how this face looks in game here you can download it ( this is not FEI is just the Face you see in the screenshots )