POSTED September 08, 2010
 Today Sports Interactive would like to share a few new and improved features with you that will are in Football Manager 2011. Where appropriate, there are new screenshots to accompany these.
Newly revealed features:
Set Piece Creator – Much like Football Manager 2010’s Tactics Creator, we’ve now added a Set Piece Creator to the game which allows you to set up your set piece routines in a much more intuitive and user-friendly manner.
Press Conference revamp – Not just a new user interface, and not just 150+ new press conference questions, but also all of the previous 500+ press conference questions have been fully reviewed, with possible answers revised where necessary, leading to press conferences being more intuitive and in situ.
Match analysis improvements – Lots of new options available on the match analysis chalkboard, with offsides, free kicks, corners, throw ins, clear cut chances, half chances all now available to analyse via the system, as well as the option to show all of the players match actions at the same time, rather than having to look at them all separately.
Squad registration / squad number split – We’ve separated out the squad registration and squad numbering screens, so you can now give squad numbers to players who don’t need to be registered.
Newgen revamp – Newly generated players, or newgens as we call them, are now created using a new system that looks at player templates for different styles of player, as well as taking national traits into account, to ensure that the types of player in the game are constant throughout the life of your own saved game.
B-Team & Amateur revamp – Due to lots of feedback from our community, particularly from Spanish and Danish users, regarding the way that B teams and amateur work in the game compared to real life, we’ve had a revamp on the way they work to make them more accurate than ever before, including the chance to set up your own clubs B team at the start of the season in appropriate leagues.