How to add new faces to NBA 2K10
  POSTED April 22, 2010
We have received many emails asking how to add new faces to NBA 2K10. For instance yesterday we have posted a face for Reggie Williams. By default this player does not have a cyber face, he has just a generic one. So iyou need to edit NBA 2K10Â Roster in order to assing a cyber face to this player. You need REditor by Vl@d Zola Jr version 0.7.1. to edit NBA 2K10 Rosters. DOWNLOAD IT HERE. Click on read more to check out the tutorial.
1.Start REditor and go to menu FILE -- > OPEN
2.Open your roster file ( .ROS )
3.Search for player Reggie Williams ( check out search option at the bottom )
4.In Group Filter select only APPEARANCE
5.Check out GENERICF ( generic face )Â Change value from 1 to 0 .
7.Place cyber face file in your NBA 2K10 main folder.
Be sure that cyber face number is the same that the one you find in Port_CF_ID ( portrait - cyber face ID ). For Reggie Williams : cyber face file is png1721.iff
That´s all.
Feel free to post comments if you have any doubt about this tutorial.