MLB 2K10 Patch for Xbox 360 Released

  POSTED March 16, 2010

Ronnie from 2K Sports have confirmed that a patch for MLB 2K10 Xbox 360 has gone live. He also confirmed that there is scheduled to be another 360 patch along with a confirmed PS3 patch (that will most likely be a combination of the two if all goes as planned). Click on Read More for Details.

• Fixed Inside Edge Batter Breakdown letter grade assignments on screen (cosmetic issue previously only)

• The correct ‘Player of Game’ was not consistently being chosen. It is now.

• Player of Game not consistent for all dialogs & audio, should be now.

• Fix for bug where head morphs changed when changing hair-style/length in create a player, also addresses extremely odd looking faces generated using randomize head option in create a player.

• Post Season pause menu stat issue - batting averages will be from the season, not post season as it should be.

• The loading screen would display a playoff *race* key game message, rather than a playoff key game message.

• In ReelMaker a wipe would not appear properly the first time, but it appeared if you played the reel again. Fixed.

• There was a case where the user had to press the button through button twice to advance to the next pitch. The intended behavior is to only have to press the button once.

• There was a stray camera cut after action replays, before advancing to the next batter.

• Fixes a bug with player stat leaderboards over specific timeframes: Last 10 Games, Last 30 Days, This Month, Last Month

• Breaking the consecutive game hit streak record was not being recorded and displayed on the Records screen. It is now.

• Bug where batting averages like .27777778 were not rounded up to .278 in the batter intro overlay when displaying split stats like "career vs. pitcher". 

• Bug where franchise and career modes would display the incorrect year that players won a Gold Glove (shown in-game as "Top Fielder") award. 

• Added Check Swings.

• AI Pitcher will no longer throw special pitches in a clutch moment (intentional walks, etc.).

• Fixed batter batting without a bat.

• Improved wall climbs and catches at the wall.

• Strike Zones are updated when a pinch hitter is brought in.

• User was unable to throw after queuing a throw before playing a wall collision animation.

• Composure is always affected on a mound visit. 

• The fielding shadow was not drawing correctly vertically against walls.

• Show the pitch break arrows in two player games. 

• CPU pitchers were staying in too long/throwing too many pitches.

• Sometimes a player wouldn't do a celebration.

• Incorrect 1st baseman behavior when a runner tried to advance from 3rd to home just as the 1B caught the ball.

• Umpires faced the wrong way when a runner stole 2nd

• Players would occasionally be called out on 2-man steal/pickoff animations when the ball didn't actually touch them

• There were several issues with double play behavior when one of the players was significantly out of position

• Players had a hard time making running tags

• Outfielders would occasionally play a casual-looking queued throw animation while there was a runner advancing

• The user would occasionally be unable to throw the ball to 1st base after fielding the ball and stomping on 2nd for a double play

My Player
• Fix for a bug in My Player where the “Break a MLB single season record” hall of fame goal was not being marked as completed when the user broke a single season record.

• Fix for a bug in My Player where broken pitching records were labeled as hitter records and broken hitting records were labeled as pitcher records on the timeline.

• The spotlight indicator option was not working, when you turned it off in My Player Setup Options it was still appearing.

• When playing as a catcher in My Player when you had to field bunts they were being hit to hard and the pitcher was fielding them.

• There was a crash when returning to landing screen after first round playoff games in career mode when you have a post season goal.

• My Player: The camera is fixed / focused on a patch of grass / the field as the Game recap screen transitions onto the screen at the ending of a My player game and 

• My Player not always being put in appropriate place to see him when we draw the End Game recap in My Player games.

• Base coaches are in sitting pose during clutch moments in My Player.


• Fixed bug that caused players to end up on team select screen with no controller icons when trying to enter a Ranked Online Game.

• Online divergence bug caused by split stats being enabled in online games.

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Complete this SBC to earn 11 LaLiga Players Rated 81+ or higher. The price is around 90 K.
Complete this SBC to earn two Rare Gold Players rated 86 OVR or higher.