NBA 2K14 | Jerseys

Cleveland Cavaliers (Update) Fictional Jerseys - added WarmUps

Ron Radi | September 30 2014 | 10518 hits

Hey Guys

Since some of you already tried my Cavs Fictional Jerseys only for Away & Home a month ago, 

I know Ya'll noticed that it has no WarmUps.

Well, i just re-created that Jerseys and this time am not only adding WarmUps but in addition to this Update; I've added Alternate (Yellow) & (Blue) Jerseys.

This would be the Final Version of my Fictional Jersey for the Cavs.

The Blue One, it will replaced the Cavs Alternate LeBron Era 2008-2009 alternate jersey.

This is Only an On-Progress Update.......The Release will be on my Facebook Page.

Just Visit (Ron Radi) on FB 


Simply Click the Author Website for the Re-Direction on my Page

(For Those critics of my work; Le'mme Say This ---->>  F**k Y*ll and Eat Some D**k - B*tch)

So Peace and One Love 

Ron Radi

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NBA 2K13 was a monstrous release for the world's #1 NBA video game franchise, with more than 38 Sports Game of the Year and "Best Of" mentions. NBA 2K14 raises the bar yet again, providing the best basketball gaming experience for legions of sports fans and gamers around the world.
Download Cleveland Cavaliers (Update) Fictional Jerseys - added WarmUps . This is a mod for NBA 2K14 video game.

IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.